At Chapel Hills, there are many ways to get involved and we confess that we like getting together for fun and food whenever possible. We take our potlucks very seriously along with other events and get-togethers in our neighborhood.
Cooks of Chapel Hills
Several times a year, we pick a culinary theme and gather at member’s homes for an evening of good food and conversation outside of our church building. The Food Network would be proud of our range of themes, which have included: Apples, Austro-Hungarian, Brazilian, Caribbean, Chocolate, Christmas Favorites, Cuban, Farmers Market, French, German, Harvest, Hawaiian, Indian, Israeli/Palestinian, Italian, Jamaican, Korean, Mexican, Midwest Comfort Food, Midwest Supper Club, Moroccan, New England Seafood, New Orleans, Persian, Root Vegetables, Russian, Scandinavian, Spam, Southern, and Spanish.
Night to Unite
For many years, we have played neighborhood host on the first Tuesday in August for this national event. Members, friends and neighbors come for a picnic themed potluck, games for the kids, special music for entertainment and visits from the police and/or fire department.
Friends in Christ
Being part of the Chapel Hills Community is Important:
Personal Connections Beyond our Sunday Community
Birthday Cards, Celebration of Key Events, Holiday Gift Packages, Checking In with Phone Calls & Visits
Whenever possible, facilitates rides for members with transportation hurdles and meal back-up help when that sort of help from the Chapel Hills Community can Make a difference.
Cookouts & Potlucks
Have we mentioned that we like to eat? Whether tied to a Church Holiday such as Palm Sunday, fund raising for a specific cause or Celebration Sunday, we think we are very good at potlucks. The smell of brats grilling during a worship service is also not that unusual.
Cookies for College Students
A long-standing tradition at our church has been the annual Cookies for College Students and Shut-Ins Project. Members prepare homemade treats for our “kids” who are off to school or members who have difficulty attending regularly. They get a package in the mail from the congregation to let them know we are thinking of them.
Book Group
Throughout the year, the Chapel Hills Book Group is taking on any number of thought-provoking literary pieces and sharing perspectives and insights with one another.
Gentle Walks in Nature
First and third Thursdays are earmarked for our gentle walks in nature as we explore our neighborhood parks and walking trails. After the walk, we settle in at church for coffee, treats, devotions and great conversations.