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Groups We Financially Support

Our Approach

Our outreach work at Chapel Hills strives to make an impact locally, regionally, nationally, and when possible, internationally through a combination of dedicated budgeted financial support, hands-on projects that involve both creating and collecting a variety of items for people and organizations in need and finally, free-will monetary offerings from our community that may also involve educational and awareness programs. Engagement opportunities to contribute and get involved are many and the Outreach Team makes it easy to make a difference.


We Financially Support

Through both dedicated annual budgeted dollars along with specific projects & events throughout the year, we traditionally have been supporting the following organizations.

  1. VEAP (Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People) which helps people in need of housing and food security in south Minneapolis and the southwest suburbs.  We have actively supported VEAP for decades.

  2. Connect with a Child (Africa).

  3. Various United Church of Christ programs/projects.


Special Projects

  1. Throughout the year, we collect non-perishable food items for the VEAP Pantry.

  2. We also annually collect school supplies every summer for the VEAP Back to School Program.  In addition, we have supported other drives with VEAP including birthday kits, hygiene kits, etc.

  3. Have collaborated with the MN Council of Churches and supported their work in the refugee community by preparing hygiene kits and collecting winter outerwear.

  4. Collected winter outerwear for the annual Hats & Mittens Drive.

  5. Shredding event that both helps the environment and raised money for VEAP.

  6. “Hands on Projects” including sandwich making for groups supporting the homeless along with food packing events at Feed My Starving Children - a group that provides nourishing food support internationally.


5 for 5 Church

Chapel Hills has been a long time 5 for 5 congregation with the United Church of Christ.  What this means, is that we financially support, through both dedicated budgeted funding along with special free-will giving, the following programs administered by the state and national conferences.

  1. OCWM (Our Church’s Wider Mission)

  2. NIN (Neighbors in Need)

  3. Christmas Fund (Veterans of the Cross)

  4. Strengthen the Church

  5. One Great Hour of Sharing

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